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Teacher Profiles – Mrs. Gina O’Sullivan

A new section of Wavelength News is here; welcome. Shedding light on the faculty and staff at Long Bay College. We believe that having a place where you can get to know the remarkable people who work at our school to educate and support your children is an essential component of the Long Bay College culture. 

Our first interview is a long-standing teacher at Long Bay College, Gina O’Sullivan. Gina started her teaching career at Long Bay College in 2006. Being a local, this was Gina’s preferred school. The school very quickly became her home. She spent a brief time away teaching at another school and on maternity leave to have her children but soon felt like a piece of her was missing. Long Bay College.  

Gina is a science teacher, teaching year 9 and 10 General Science, and senior science classes such as Earth and Space, Physics, and Chemistry. Many of her peers have commented on her practice and behaviour modeling in the classroom. Gina also makes time for her students during lunchtime and gives them a place where they can sit and socialise amongst themselves and Mrs. O’Sullivan.  

When sitting down with Mrs. O’Sullivan we asked her three questions; 

What advice would you give your students as they leave school? 

They should take the memories of school with them. These are awesome years, even though at the time it might not feel like it. But go out into the world and find what you are passionate about and pursue that.  

What did you want to be when you were growing up? 

I changed my mind every week! At one point I thought Physiotherapy was my career path (more for the excitement of potential professional sporting clients, haha). But eventually settled on returning to school.  

What is your funniest teaching moment?  

Honestly, everyday there is something funny! I absolutely adore teenagers; I find them hysterical. They will constantly come up with things you couldn’t possibly think about. They keep me young and slightly crazy (haha) when comparing yourself to friends and family who aren’t teachers, you find yourself laughing at very different jokes!  

I cannot think of one single moment, just everyday makes me smile and think I have the coolest job!

Mrs O’Sullivan is just one of many at Long Bay College that we cannot wait for you to get to know a little more.  


If you would like to nominate a member of faculty for us to interview or have any testimonials you would like to share about any one of our incredible staff, please send us an email at 

Long Bay College