Academic Excellence
Exceptional Learning
“The teachers work ‘behind the scenes’ to help us achieve the best learning experience. Its just amazing.” Seyeong, Year 13
Exceptional learning starts with experienced teachers and ours come from all over the world, many bringing valuable industry experience to their subjects. They are passionate, talented and highly skilled at cleverly engaging our students in their subject matter, making every learning moment count. Dedicated to our students’ success inside the classroom, our teachers also give their time to support students in a wide variety of co-curricular activities.
An important aspect of exceptional learning is creative learning. Our students enjoy trips, including international educational travel, industry visits, events, camps, seminars, lectures, performances, exhibitions and competitions. Real life learning brings subjects to life and actively engages our students.
Long Bay College is committed to providing students with the care support they need to succeed, which is a key factor in exceptional learning. Connection and communication with Atawhai leaders and subject teachers is at the heart of what we do, as well as offering specialist programmes, learning support at all levels and personalised course programmes for those students who may require time and support to hone their specialist skill either in school or outside of it.
An Extensive Curriculum
Long Bay College proudly offers a comprehensive and innovative curriculum. It reflects the diverse needs of our learners and delivers future focused outcomes.
Students study subjects from across the New Zealand Curriculum. They are encouraged to find their strengths and passions, to hone their skills, to be ambitious and importantly, become future ready.
Course Directory
A Unique Programme for Juniors
Beginning Secondary School Study
In Years 9 and 10, Long Bay College’s junior programmes offer students a broad and balanced coverage of the New Zealand Curriculum while providing opportunities for acceleration and extension. Our junior school programmes are introductory by design, allowing our students to build a solid foundation and setting them up for success as they move through secondary school levels.
Core Junior Subjects
English, Maths, Science, Social Science and , Health & Physical Education.
In addition, students can choose four subjects from a wide range of modules – each running for a semester.
Specialist Junior Programme
One of the exciting feature of the Long Bay College Curriculum is our specialist junior programme. In Term Four, year 9 and 10 students move from their regular timetable to a specialist programme that supports them in their learning beyond the classroom. Students work with subject experts to produce and showcase a product. The opportunity fosters passions, drives authentic learning and cultivates our students’ sense of self management and ownership of their learning.
Junior project options have been developed from across and beyond the New Zealand Curriculum. They include Rocketry, Forensic Science, Film Making, Mindfulness, Musical Theatre, Pop Art, Kapa Haka, Sports Psychology, Theatrical Poetry and many others.
Aspiring Scholars Programme
We are delighted to offer a specialist enrichment programme for junior students who excel academically. Applications to the programme can be made through the enrolment process and will require entrance testing and evaluation of prior scholastic performance. Students selected to the programme will complete differentiated tasks across five junior curriculum classes to extend and engage them through the junior years.
Acceleration Courses
For junior students, who have been identified as requiring extension in English and Mathematics, we offer additional timetabled support during each semester. Entrance into Year 9 accelerant courses is established during the enrolment process.
Amazing Results
Top Scholars
Our senior students gained a significant number of NZQA Scholarships in 2020 and 2021 across 18 curriculum areas, while Outstanding Scholarships were also achieved. These results demonstrate the breadth of our expertise and teaching excellence across all academic faculties.
Academic Achievement
Long Bay College enjoys a reputation of academic strength, with our results amongst New Zealand’s best.
In 2020, our students’ overall academic achievements significantly out-performed both the national average and those of Decile 8-10 schools. The results chart shows our overall achievement in National Certificate of Education (NCEA) as well as Decile 8 to 10 schools for comparison.

Become an International Homestay – Embrace Cultural Exchange