

Head & Deputy Head Prefects

Pictured: Luke Drake (Deputy Head Prefect), Michail Hobbs (Head Prefect), Jacob Karanga (Te Manakura), Emma Webster (Head Prefect) and Paige Clark (Deputy Head Prefect)

Academic Prefects

The Academic Prefects are responsible for coordinating student academic mentoring opportunities, subject workshops and junior panel meetings. They also support Long Bay College badge events and promote academic clubs and activities.

Pictured: Jake Bicknell, Ryan Erasmus, Paige Sweetman (Portfolio Leader),​ Enzo Rodrigues (Portfolio Leader), Izzy Wenham​, Celeste Li​

Arts Prefects

The Arts Prefects are responsible for supporting key events at Long Bay College including the talent quest, school production, art club, stage challenge, music concerts and dance shows. They coordinate the arts awards night, facilitate visual art exhibitions of student work and attend faculty meetings. The group is also responsible for promoting clubs and activities of the Arts at Long Bay College.

Pictured: Isla Brown, Lucy Lumsden (Portfolio leader), Olivia Bartlett​ (Portfolio leader), Domenik Langbein, Thea Kozak​, Scarlett Wears

Community Culture & Leadership Development Prefects

The head prefects at Long Bay College are responsible for chairing the junior and senior councils, they manage prefect duty, assembly rosters and prefect communication. The group co-ordinate a number of events including the school ball, graduation dinner, mufti days, Valentine’s Day, Year 13 last day and prefects’ team-building dinners. They also create and implement leadership development opportunities across all year levels and actively promote the Long Bay school culture. They are ambassadors of our school.

Pictured: Hannah Coffman (School and Community Portfolio Prefect), / Luke Drake (Deputy Head Prefect), Michail Hobbs (Head Prefect), Emma Webster (Head Prefect), Paige Clark (Deputy Head Prefect), Jude Rich (School and Community Portfolio Prefect), Jacob Karanga (Te Manakura)

Cultural Prefects

The Long Bay College Cultural Prefects assist with the International student’s orientation and help our new arrivals form connections with local students. The group provide language support and help organise and execute the International Festival and Multicultural Show.

Pictured: Arthur Nunes de Souza​, Maite Abreu, Hannah Nguyen​, Nancy Fan​, Ethan Magill (Portfolio Leader) Absent:  Lily Lam​ (Portfolio leader)

Sports Prefects

The Sports Prefects at Long Bay College coordinate sports camps and sports awards as well as providing Athletics Day support. They organise social sporting activities and are responsible for promoting sports clubs and activities at the school.

Pictured: Jacob Samuels, Livi Beechey, Maddie Ditchburn​ (portfolio leader), Zoe Ellis, Taylor Bicknell, Ryan Blank (portfolio leader)

Sustainability Prefects

The Long Bay College Sustainability Prefects oversee the development of the multicultural and sustainable gardens and manage Ecolution meetings and events, including the Long Bay Primary Sustainability Big Day Out. They coordinate community action and education campaigns and develop the waste management action plan. The group attends College property meetings and is responsible for facilitating links with Auckland Council and other relevant outside agencies.

Pictured: Lawrence Sheddan, Julia Buchajczyk, Holly Beaumont, Jessi Cargeege (Portfolio leader), Livi Loufte​ (Portfolio Leader), Liam Kerr

Technology, Innovation & Communication Prefects

The Technology, Innovation and Communication Prefects at Long Bay College are responsible for helping to provide technical support at school events and in the library. They offer guidance and supervision of students using the College’s Technology resources, they help coordinate and promote clubs within the Technology faculty and provide support for industry competitions. The group are members of the College’s ICT Committee and facilitate links with outside businesses and further education providers.

Pictured: Ian Mans​, Jordan Esterhuizen (portfolio leader) Luke Camilleri (portfolio leader), Alicia Roberts​, Evan Victor, Nani Liu

Long Bay College