Staff in Charge
Coordinator – Mrs Sarah Phoenix [email protected]
(Should you wish to coach/manage a sports team, you will be required to undergo a Police Vet. Please contact the Coordinator for further information.)
Price for all teams will be dependent on turf and Harbour Hockey fees.
Uniform Requirements
1st XI team players will be loaned their playing shirt, shorts/skort. Premier socks will need to be purchased.
All other team players will need to purchase the generic shirt, pe shorts/skort and black socks.
All players must wear a mouth guard and shin pads and will need to provide their own stick.
Contact school uniform supplier Uniform Shop to purchase.
1st and 2nd XI boys – Wednesday afterschool
1st, 2nd and 3rd XI girls – Thursday afterschool
Games are played at North Harbour Hockey Stadium and various turfs on the North Shore.